Another benefit is that it is located very close to ‘noob river’ if you’re new to the game and looking for iron early on, though I wouldn’t recommend setting up home here as there are tons of better spots. The Tower of Bats is easily one of the best places to find iron in Conan Exiles as it has one of the highest concentrations of the resource in the entire map. The Tower of Bats Iron south of the Tower of Bats The area also has some of the best scenery in the entire game, despite it being a bit dark and gloomy.
The Mounds of the Dead is definitely a great spot to set up camp, not only is there plenty of iron and stone, but you’ll also be able to get steel and hardened steel from the Cimmerians. The east to the capital is also a good place to find some iron spawn locations, but the best place is to the northwest, as you can see from the picture above.
Just keep an eye out for the dangerous Wights. Not only will you find an abundance of iron nodes, but you’ll also be able to get hold of some shroom amantia, coal, and wood. One of the best places to find iron in Conan Exiles is to the northwest of the Mounds of the Dead in the resource-rich Dirgewood. Dirgewood Northwest of the Mounds of the Dead